Sunday, March 28, 2010

#9 - The Davert Parade

Hello Everyone!

Ken and I decided to take the kids to the mall today.  It is always interesting to see the reactions of people as we zoom by them in our sporty chairs, and it is especially interesting when Ken is using one too!  We are like a parade wherever we go.  I still can't figure out what makes people stop what they are doing and stare at us...maybe they like my haircut or something...not sure. 

Today, one lady decided to give her grandson a disability sensitivity training and brought him over to meet Michaela.  She said to her grandson, "See, she is just like you!"  Michaela gave the lady a confused glare.  I guess the grandma didn't notice that Michaela was a FEMALE, 11 years old, with curly hair, driving a pink power chair, but other than that, yes, they were exactly alike!  Oh, people are so funny.

And, Sammie, lovely Sammie.  The other day, Ken said to me, “What is that noise?”  Whatever it was…it couldn't be good.  He got up, searched around the house, and discovered that Sammie, our 51 pound beagle, climbed up onto the kids' bathroom sink again...but this time, he turned the water on!!!  No lie.  How can a beagle do that?  Thank goodness we were home, or he would have been a 51 pound beagle swimming in a flooded house. 

Oh, and later today when I was in the craft room, I heard a tremendous crash.  I went running to the kitchen.  My legs were going so fast you would have thought I was an Irish folk dancer.  When I arrived in the kitchen, what did I see?  About 550 plastic forks, spoons, and knives spread across the floor, and in the middle of the pile was a 51 pound beagle with a guilty look on his face!  He pulled them off my kitchen counter.
Oh Sammie, you keep us very busy!  But, you are so lovable, we really don’t mind!
